More and more consumers are becoming impervious to generic ads. They now expect brands to anticipate their needs and give them relevant information they can’t find anywhere else.
Generic campaigns are out, personalization is in. Especially in B2B sales strategies. To achieve this, leveraging the best digital experience platforms is imperative for creating tailored experiences that resonate with each individual
Or rather, personalization is just the bare minimum.
Spewing generic cold emails to thousands of emails can do more harm than good for your brand image. Brands now need to show that they understand customer needs.
That’s why targeted advertising is the future. This approach not only increases the conversion rate but also improves the overall customer experience and brand loyalty.
To do this, marketers need lead segmentation and data on buying behavior, purchase history, online behavior, and other relevant information.
However, 49% of marketers don’t have enough confidence in their organization’s sales and marketing data. This can mean that the Sales & Marketing team is spending too much time researching leads or, even worse, trying to sell their product to the wrong audience.
The data enrichment process is an essential part of the marketing cycle. While old-school marketing targets a large number of leads to close a small number of deals, more and more brands are investing in highly targeted and personalized campaigns that bring higher returns from fewer contact attempts.
Effective marketing campaigns begin by understanding existing customers and prospects. With data enrichment, you’ll turn incomplete information into complete customer profiles. Learn what they are interested in, their pain points, and their online behavior to benefit from granular customer segmentation.
Lastly, accurate and up-to-date information can also bring lost leads back to life. If a prospect decided not to convert because of budgetary issues but has now raised a seed round, maybe it’s time to reengage and see if you’re a better fit at this time. Not only does this method help marketers get more conversions without having to generate new leads, but it also shows that you listen to your prospects’ needs and kept them in mind.